The Decline of Traditional Sports: Exploring the Factors Behind Waning Participation

In today's fast-paced world, fewer individuals are finding the time and motivation to engage in…

Who is Our New Potential Mr. Galolhu Uthuru ?

If you've heard only great things about our new potential Mr. Galolhu Uthuru, Mohamed Ibrahim,…

Atmosphere Colleague Development Program (ACDP) – Unleashing an Extraordinary Endeavor to Propel Continuous Skill Development

Recently, Ozen Reserve Bolifushi celebrated the graduation of eight colleagues who successfully completed the Atmosphere…

Meet Ms. Aminath Thahmeena – An Outstanding Principal Setting a Shining Example in her Profession

In 1992, Ms. Aminath Thahmeena embarked on a remarkable educational journey spanning three decades. Her…

Dheema Fakir – The Pioneer Behind the Revolutionary Fakir App

Dheema Fakir stands as a highly influential figure in the field of Human Resources in…

A Glimpse into the Career of Hassan Shifaz

Hassan Shifaz, an individual with an extensive background of 16 years in the tourism sector,…

Nurturing Careers: A Glimpse into Angsana Velavaru

In the ever-evolving world of HR and the tourism industry, career growth and development of…

Why do some individuals achieve greater success than others? – A Stance of Brian Tracy

Brian Tracy, in an interview with Inspire Weekly, delves into this question by reflecting on…

Focus on Developing Your Skills

“A degree can just earn the job, but it cannot help to grow further without…

Villa College: Students Achievement Awards

A Warm congratulations to all the students who received the awards.