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Royal Island Resort & Spa Maldives Marks World First Aid Day with Lifesaving Training

On World First Aid Day, celebrated on September 14th, Royal Island Resort & Spa Maldives highlighted the critical importance of first aid knowledge and practices by conducting comprehensive training for its staff and community. Led by the resort’s in-house doctor, Dr. Angkan Ishty Chowdhury, the initiative reinforced the resort’s commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of both guests and staff. This annual observance served as a timely reminder of the life-saving potential of basic first aid skills in emergencies.

The training covered essential first aid practices, from treating minor injuries to responding to more critical situations such as cardiac arrest or choking. Dr. Chowdhury emphasized the need for staff to be prepared for any emergency that might arise in the resort, given its remote location. By equipping employees with practical first aid skills, Royal Island Resort & Spa is taking proactive steps to enhance community resilience and ensure swift, effective responses in critical moments.

World First Aid Day provides an important platform to spread awareness of the benefits of being trained in first aid. As part of the resort’s commitment to health and safety, regular first aid training sessions are held throughout the year. However, the observance on September 14th allows the resort to reaffirm its dedication to creating a safe environment where both staff and guests are protected by well-trained personnel.

Royal Island Resort & Spa Maldives recognizes that proper first aid training is not just a one-day event but an ongoing responsibility. Through initiatives led by experts like Dr. Chowdhury, the resort continues to cultivate a culture of safety, where employees feel empowered to act confidently and decisively in emergency situations, potentially saving lives and contributing to a safer community year-round.

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