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Milestone Achievement: Appointment of the Interim Council of CA Maldives

The recent appointment of the Interim Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of the Maldives (CA Maldives) marks a momentous step forward for the accounting and auditing profession in the country. Announced by Hassan Ziyath, Chief Executive Officer of First National, this development reflects the culmination of years of dedication, hard work, and a shared vision. The efforts to establish and elevate CA Maldives over the past four years have significantly advanced the profession, contributing to both national pride and the strengthening of professional standards.

Hassan Ziyath expressed his deep appreciation for those who have worked tirelessly to bring CA Maldives to fruition. Their commitment to excellence has laid the groundwork for a more robust and credible accounting framework within the Maldives, ensuring that the values and principles of the profession are upheld. This recognition of the collective endeavor serves as a reminder of the critical role accountants and auditors play in the nation’s financial integrity.

The newly appointed Interim Council members include esteemed professionals such as Fathuhulla Jameel, FCCA; Hussain Niyazy; Fareeha Shareef; Ibrahim Fazeel, FCMA, CGMA, FCA, CIA, CMIIA, QIAL (MSC.Audit); Rifaath Jaleel, CPA; Mohamed Haleem; and Fathimath R. Hassan Mohamed. These individuals bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and leadership to their roles, positioning the council to guide CA Maldives in its mission to enhance the standards and reputation of the profession both locally and internationally.

The establishment of CA Maldives has been a significant achievement, one that highlights the Maldives’ commitment to aligning with global accounting and auditing standards. The creation of the Interim Council is a vital step in ensuring that the institute continues to progress, driving initiatives that promote professional development, regulatory compliance, and best practices. The council’s work will further elevate the profession, fostering a culture of excellence and accountability.

The contributions of the previous leadership have been invaluable in shaping the future of the institute. Their dedication has built a solid foundation, and the newly appointed council will now take up the mantle, advancing the profession with innovative strategies and initiatives. As CA Maldives moves forward, its focus will remain on strengthening its members’ capabilities and addressing the evolving challenges within the industry.

The appointment of the Interim Council represents a critical milestone in the evolution of CA Maldives. As the council takes on the responsibility of leading the institute into the future, their expertise and commitment will be instrumental in shaping the future of accounting and auditing in the Maldives. The recognition extended by Hassan Ziyath emphasizes the importance of collaboration and dedication in achieving these milestones, ensuring that the profession continues to thrive.

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