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From Athlete to Personal Trainer: A Journey of Perseverance and Growth

Aishath Shanna Ismail, currently a Personal Trainer at TWC (The Wellness Club), has traversed an unconventional path to her current role. Until 2018, sports defined her life, with volleyball and handball providing adrenaline rushes and fostering camaraderie. However, a devastating ACL injury in 2018 abruptly halted her athletic career.

Instead of succumbing to despair, Shanna chose to pivot, finding solace and purpose in personal training. Drawing upon her varied experiences as a receptionist, personal assistant, and HR assistant, she seamlessly integrated her passion for fitness with her desire to aid others in achieving their wellness goals.

Despite the challenges posed by her career transition, Shanna’s journey has imbued her with unwavering confidence. Each small step forward, amidst setbacks and failures, has fortified her resilience and determination to rebuild her career from the ground up.

Convincing her parents of her career change proved to be a formidable hurdle, as their expectations diverged from her aspirations. Juggling a burgeoning personal training career alongside a full-time job demanded meticulous time management and unyielding dedication. Additionally, establishing herself as a non-traditional trainer in an appearance-focused industry presented its own set of obstacles.

To aspiring individuals treading a similar path, Shanna offers sage advice rooted in her experiences. Emphasizing the primacy of knowledge and continuous education, she underscores the importance of seizing opportunities regardless of tenure. Furthermore, she advocates for part-time beginnings as a viable route to eventual full-time commitment, emphasizing the necessity of financial prudence and embracing one’s uniqueness.

In conclusion, Shanna’s journey from athlete to personal trainer epitomizes resilience, growth, and self-discovery. Despite its unconventional trajectory, she remains grateful for the invaluable lessons learned and the opportunities that lie ahead. As she encourages others to embark on their own journeys, she reminds them that every setback is merely a prelude to a triumphant comeback.

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