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Adapting to the Changing Landscape of Content Marketing in the Maldives

Article by Jayyida Badhree (LinkedIn: Jayyida Badhree)

The world of content marketing in the Maldives is evolving faster than ever before! With new technologies and changes in consumer preferences, it’s creating exciting opportunities and challenges for content marketers.

One trend that has exploded in popularity in recent years is short-form video content. Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels are changing the game, but it seems like many of our companies are still hesitant to jump on board.

It’s not just about creating polished, perfect content anymore. Gen Zers are all about authenticity and crave more spontaneous, relatable content. Many companies appear to be cautious about creating out-of-the-box short-form videos, especially on TikTok. While the platform encourages a more laid-back and spontaneous approach, companies often produce overly polished content that may not resonate with the younger audience who appreciate authenticity. Additionally, the Maldivian market is relatively new to such social media content, and we often see negative comments on posts that deviate from the norm. This feedback can make companies and creators hesitant to experiment with new content formats.

Moreover, many Maldivian companies don’t have a dedicated content calendar or person responsible for creating content. This can be attributed to the fact that content creators are not given enough credit and importance by higher-ups, which hinders their ability to produce consistent, high-quality content. But this is where we come in! As content marketers, it’s our responsibility to adapt to the changing landscape and utilize new strategies and platforms.

Even though we face challenges, there are still plenty of opportunities for content marketers in the Maldives. By recognizing the growing popularity of digital platforms and the demand for authentic and engaging content, we can help businesses adapt and better connect with their target audience. This may involve educating companies on the importance of content marketing and collaborating with them to develop a more strategic approach, including using content calendars and dedicated content creators.

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