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Sulthana Adam Provides a Glimpse into Her Journey as a School Counselor

Sulthana Adam, a school counselor at Hirilandhoo school – stands out as a remarkable and talented individual in the corporate landscape of the Maldives. Her unwavering dedication to fostering an environment that encourages open dialogue about mental health issues within our community has led her to dedicate a substantial nine years to this field of work. She conducts comprehensive mental health sessions for students, parents, and teachers, ensuring that all members of the school community are equipped with the necessary knowledge and support. In addition to her responsibilities at the school, Sulthana also extends her services to other islands upon request. She willingly visits these locations to conduct informative sessions, spreading awareness and understanding about mental health issues.

Sulthana expressed that one of the primary obstacles she encounters is the limited understanding within the community regarding mental health concerns. She further emphasized that this challenge is particularly prominent when working as a counselor on an island, as maintaining boundaries becomes exceedingly arduous due to the familiarity amongst community members. Consequently, Sulthana has redirected her focus towards creating awareness surrounding mental health issues and educating individuals on how they can actively contribute to their own well-being. Furthermore, Sulthana has identified another significant hurdle, which is the inadequate availability of mental health services in the atolls. Since most psychologists and counselors reside in male, even when Sulthana refers a student or parent to a psychiatrist, it becomes exceedingly difficult and costly for them to access professional help, thereby posing a considerable challenge for her.

According to Sulthana, when it comes to the mental well-being of employees in the corporate world, a significant number of Maldivian workers experience burnout due to the lack of emphasis on stress management in their jobs. Sulthana believes that this issue can be addressed by enhancing mental health support within organizations while cultivating a supportive culture, offering resources such as counseling services, and encouraging a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, Sulthana highlights the importance of providing regular training for managers to help them recognize signs of distress and establish open communication channels. These measures can contribute to creating a more conducive and healthier workplace environment.

Sulthana has expressed her vision for the future of the Maldives, emphasizing the importance of promoting awareness about mental health through education. She believes that accessible counseling services and community support are crucial in positively impacting this cause. Additionally, she emphasizes the need for open conversations to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and foster a supportive environment for the well-being of the Maldivian community. Sulthana hopes that governments will recognize mental health as a serious issue and prioritize the provision of affordable services for those residing in the atolls.

To wrap up, Sulthana imparts valuable guidance to the younger generation who have an interest in pursuing a career in mental health or counseling. She advises them to focus on obtaining relevant education and gaining practical experience. Sulthana suggests that individuals should consider pursuing a degree in psychology, counseling, or a related field, and actively participate in internships to gain invaluable hands-on experience. Furthermore, she emphasizes the importance of honing strong communication and empathy skills, as they are essential in providing effective support to others. Sulthana also highlights the significance of keeping up-to-date with current mental health practices and ethical guidelines. Lastly, she underscores the importance of continuous learning and self-care, as they are crucial for personal growth and success in this field.

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