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5 Key Leadership Traits that Define Mr. Azim’s Success

Mr. Adam Azim stands as a highly esteemed individual within the corporate landscape of the Maldives. Prior to assuming the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at MTCC, Azim held the position of Managing Director at Maldives Water & Sewerage Company (MWSC) from December 2018 to January 2020. Additionally, he served as the Managing Director at State Trading Organization (STO) from November 2013 to February 2015 and contributed his expertise as a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Directors at Bank of Maldives between 2011 and 2013. He is also one of the leading shareholders at Rasheed Carpentry and Construction Pvt Ltd.

Our team at sat down with Azim to learn more about the five significant key leadership qualities that have contributed to his remarkable success in corporate sector of the Maldives.

  • Self-Motivation and determination

“I learnt a lot from my father. Taking care of your staff is the foundation of a good business.” – Azim

Azim believes that a key factor driving his unwavering dedication as a leader in his work is his strong desire to contribute something of value to the nation. He highlighted on his aspiration to leave the companies he has had the opportunity to lead in a significantly improved state compared to when he assumed responsibility. To accomplish this, he noted that a leader must put in relentless effort and perseverance.

According to Azim, there were instances where he had to start work earlier than his official duty hours to ensure completion of daily tasks. Another significant source of his exceptional self-motivation and determination is his unwavering commitment to execute every aspect of his life in the most impeccable manner possible leading him to hustle hard every single day.

  • Risk Taking and Responsiveness

Azim stated that Maldivians possess a knack for criticizing those who put in hard work and take risks. As a result, many leaders are cautious about making daring decisions or performing their duties efficiently. However, Mr. Adam firmly believes that there is no greater form of theft or corruption than neglecting one’s duty and responsibilities. He assures that he fulfills his responsibilities as a leader within the organization diligently and takes ownership of them himself.

  • Effective Planning and Organization

Azim emphasized that most Maldivians lack clear work ethics when it comes to effective work planning and organization. In light of this, Azim places great importance on the need for detailed and well-structured planning on a regular basis, while closely monitoring progress. To achieve this, he consistently conducts meetings to effectively delegate tasks on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and even annual basis. He believes that 24 hours is more than sufficient to accomplish one’s goals, as long as there is a clear plan in place and effective organization to accommodate it throughout the day.

  • Effective communication

Azim emphasizes the significance of effective communication in his leadership style. He believes in regularly discussing concerns, problems, and challenges that arise in the workplace with the relevant individuals involved. Azim noted that no issue should be considered insignificant, as something that may seem minor to him personally could be highly significant to someone else within the organization. He recognizes that if smaller issues are not properly communicated, they can eventually escalate and become more severe problems for the entire organization. To address such matters, Azim ensures that every single issue within the workplace is promptly addressed and resolved by involving the appropriate parties. This approach enables the workforce to stay focused and productive, as they are not burdened by other unresolved concerns. As a result, the operations under Mr. Adam’s leadership run smoothly and successfully.

  • Transparency and effective PR handling

Azim explained that the dissemination of information is an integral aspect of any organization, particularly for a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) wherein the organization belongs to the public and involves public funds. He stressed that the objective of informing the public about the organization’s operations is not politically driven but rather essential, as all stakeholders deserve to be aware of the organization’s smooth functioning. By doing so, unnecessary accusations against both the organization and its leader can be minimized. Azim highlighted that weekly meetings are conducted to ensure the effective management of public relations.

In conclusion, Azim urged the importance to prioritize transparency in one’s respective work. Being open and honest about one’s actions not only keeps individuals focused and committed, but also helps build trust with others. He encouraged young individuals to enter the workforce with genuine intentions, as this lays the foundation for a successful career and stressed upon the significance of cultivating a mindset of continuous improvement, advising against making excuses and instead pushing oneself to strive harder to achieve personal and professional growth.

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