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Gallery350 in Association with Fine Art Maldives Presents: The Solo Exhibition of Aishath Huda: ‘Hold’

Aishath Huda works across painting, printmaking and installation to investigate the relationship between bodies and the environment. By keenly researching the interaction and transformation of materials, bodies, memories, events and time, Huda aims to find ways to transition from a human-centered worldview into a more expansive sense of “we”. She is invested in doing this through and with Water. Huda’s conceptually layered marks reference ecological processes (crevasses forming, shifts in ocean currents, rock formations, and dying corals.)
Huda regards water as her collaborator. Her most recent work addresses the many ways water is abstracted through ethics and aesthetics; how this affects climate literacy, and how climate literacy is connected to human and more-than-human relations.
Huda received her Master of Fine Arts from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and her BFA from China Academy of Art, Hangzhou. Her work has been shown nationally and internationally including in Bhutan, China, India, Italy, Spain, Tanzania and the United States.

The exhibition at Gallery350, ‘hold’ showcases some of her conversations with water from 2022 to 2023. The show was open to the public on 1st December 2023 and will continue through 20th December 2023.

About Gallery350
Gallery 350 is an artist-run space which aims to provide a platform for artists to showcase their work to broader local and international audience, and support the development of fine arts in the Maldives.
The gallery aims to hold exhibitions and act as a space for discussion, interaction and collaboration amongst artists and creatives of the Maldives. We believe that an active gallery space is an important contribution for the development of local artists and play a role in increasing awareness and the knowledge of art on its ability to enrich and positively impact the culture, community and the economy.

Artists looking to exhibit their work are welcome to reach out to us with their proposal through our website,

About Fine Art Maldives
Fine Art Maldives is an art association formed in 2019 by artists and art enthusiasts of Maldives to expand the art community and promote fine arts in the country. The association aims to provide a platform for artist to exhibit their work, assist in capacity building and create opportunities for contemporary fine art that will positively contribute to the culture, economy and society of the Maldives.

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