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Key Habits for Success in Food & Beverage Management: Insights from Mohamed Luthfy

In the dynamic and competitive world of Food & Beverage (F&B) management, success often hinges on the adoption of key habits and practices that not only ensure the smooth operation of establishments but also contribute to personal and professional growth. Mohamed Luthfy, affectionately known as Kudy, brings over two decades of rich experience to the table, currently serving as the F&B Manager at Centara Grand Island Resort & Spa in the Maldives. Let’s delve into the important habits he advocates for success in the F&B industry.

Team Collaboration and Leadership:
Luthfy underscores the significance of teamwork, emphasizing that success is a collective effort. F&B managers should cultivate a collaborative environment, leading by example and fostering a sense of unity among team members. By taking care of the team, managers can elevate everyone to new heights.

Adaptability and Professionalism:
In an industry that constantly evolves, adaptability is a crucial trait. Luthfy encourages F&B managers to stay abreast of industry trends and challenges. Being able to seamlessly fit into various roles and situations, while maintaining a high level of professionalism, is essential for success.

Goal Understanding and Legacy Building:
F&B managers must comprehend the overarching goals of their organization. Luthfy believes that aligning personal efforts with the company’s objectives not only leads to success but also contributes to leaving a lasting legacy within the organization.

Open-Minded Management:
Luthfy advocates for an open-minded approach to management. While working closely with subordinates, F&B managers should maintain a professional demeanor. This inclusive management style fosters a positive work environment, promoting creativity and innovation.

Financial Acumen:
Achieving financial goals is a cornerstone of F&B management. Managers must constantly seek ways to secure Gross Operating Profit (GOP) without compromising on quality. Luthfy’s focus on financial management highlights the need for a meticulous and strategic approach to budgeting and revenue generation.

Customer-Centric Approach:
Understanding the needs and expectations of customers is paramount. F&B managers, according to Luthfy, should put themselves in the shoes of customers to ensure a high level of service. This customer-centric approach enhances guest satisfaction and loyalty.

Ethical Practices and Environmental Consciousness:
Luthfy’s advice against playing politics and commitment to contracts reflects the importance of ethical practices. F&B managers should uphold fairness, honesty, and integrity. Additionally, in an era of increasing environmental awareness, fostering eco-friendly policies in the workplace is a responsible practice.

Strategic Thinking and Continuous Improvement:
Strategic thinking involves looking beyond immediate challenges and considering the long-term vision. F&B managers should think strategically, analyze statistics, and continuously seek improvements in operations.

In conclusion, Mohamed Luthfy’s wealth of experience in the F&B industry offers valuable insights into the habits that contribute to success. F&B managers aspiring to reach new heights should embrace teamwork, adaptability, financial acumen, and ethical practices, while also maintaining a customer-centric approach and strategic thinking. By embodying these habits, F&B managers can navigate the complexities of the industry and achieve both personal and professional fulfillment.

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