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Jalboot Marine Services’ HR Leader Shares Insights on Fostering Effective Teamwork

Mariyam Ismail, the Head of Human Resources at Jalboot Marine Services Pvt Ltd, shared valuable insights into the strategies employed by the company to cultivate a positive and collaborative work environment. The HR veteran, who embarked on her career journey in 2010 as an HR assistant after completing a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from the University of Sunderland, now stands at the helm of the HR department for Jalboot Marine Services Pvt Ltd.

Reflecting on her journey, she emphasizes the significance of teamwork in shaping the vibrant and dynamic culture that defines the success of the organization. “Our greatest asset is our people,” she states, highlighting the crucial role each team member plays in the company’s overall achievements.

Outlined below are some key strategies implemented by the HR leader over the years to create a conducive work atmosphere:

  1. Communication:
    Encouraging team members to express their thoughts and ideas openly is paramount. Active listening within the team is also emphasized, promoting understanding and mitigating misunderstandings.
  2. Responsibility and Goals:
    Defining the team’s objectives and goals is crucial. Clear delineation of each team member’s role and responsibility helps reduce confusion and prevents duplication of efforts.
  3. Encourage Diversity and Inclusion:
    The HR head underscores the importance of embracing diversity within the team. Different perspectives, experiences, and skills are seen as catalysts for more creative and comprehensive solutions.
  4. Celebrate Achievements:
    Acknowledging and celebrating milestones and achievements, irrespective of their scale, is a key practice. Recognition is considered pivotal in boosting morale and fostering a positive team spirit.
  5. Promote Team Bonding:
    Regularly scheduling team-building activities is seen as an essential element to strengthen interpersonal relationships among team members.

The HR leader believes that through effective teamwork, organizations can achieve greatness and create a workplace that all team members are proud to be a part of. Jalboot Marine Services Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of Jalboot Holding LLC, specializes in delivering high-quality, fully integrated marine solutions. Established in 2017, the company has quickly become a pioneer in marine services in the Maldives, catering to some of the largest resort islands in the region.

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