Dheema Fakir stands as a highly influential figure in the field of Human Resources in the Maldives. Initially commencing her professional journey as a Relations officer at Trans Maldivian Airway in 2012, Dheema did not initially embark on a career path in HR. It was not until she joined the Training and Development department of Crown and Champa resort in 2016 that she was presented with the opportunity to pursue an Associates Degree in Human Resources at MAPS College, with the resort sponsoring her studies. This was the starting point of her HR career. However, Dheema describes her transition into the HR sector as an immensely challenging experience at first. She firmly believes that the HR field is not for the faint hearted, as it involves navigating through highly demanding situations.
How Fakir app came about:
Dheema’s contribution to the HR landscape in Maldives can largely be attributed to her innovative Human Resource oriented mobile application called Fakir. We were curious about the inspiration behind this app and asked Dheema to shed light on its inception. Dheema explained that during the challenging period of the Covid pandemic, she closely observed a significant rise in job losses, particularly in sectors like hospitality and services. While platforms such as Avas Ride cater to individuals with vehicles, there exists a gap for those with diverse skill sets, including cleaners, electricians, maintenance professionals, babysitters, special care aides, and more.
This realization led Dheema to question where these talented individuals could find immediate and time-sensitive job opportunities, either at homes or workplaces. She firmly believes that although someone can take away your job title and salary, they can never strip you of your skills, knowledge, and experience. These invaluable assets will always remain yours to leverage and use to your advantage. Therefore, she emphasizes the crucial importance for individuals to recognize this truth and create avenues for these talented individuals to thrive.
However, Dheema mentioned that in the Maldives, the current method of hiring caretakers or maintenance professionals often involves utilizing platforms such as iBay or Facebook. In these cases, families tend to hire the first available person, usually from Bangladesh or India. While she acknowledges and appreciates their competitiveness and bargaining skills, as well as understands the different backgrounds and pressures they face in supporting their families back home, she believes that this practice limits opportunities for local individuals seeking similar job positions. As a result, she made the decision to focus Fakir mobile application exclusively on enabling local service providers to register and offer their services.
According to her, what differentiates this application is its distinctive screening process. Each service provider undergoes thorough scrutiny in order to obtain a “verified badge.” This ensures that customers have complete access to the provider’s comprehensive profile, which includes their name, photograph, past experience, customer reviews, and relevant qualifications. Furthermore, she has incorporated a challenging yet crucial feature: dual language options. She firmly believes that even our elderly citizens should be able to utilize this application with the ability to translate it into Dhivehi. Thus, their technological partner has exerted immense effort to bring this concept to life within the application, with the hope of assisting anyone who can benefit from this platform.

Dheema introducing her app at MNU Job festival, where she offered a simple outlet with gifts to spread awareness and interest around her one-of-a-kind initiative
How Fakir App could become the next big thing in HR of Maldives:
Dheema explains that the Maldives, being a country comprising of scattered islands, faces certain challenges when it comes to accessing services due to its unique geographical setup. To overcome this obstacle, the Fakir App has been developed to connect these isolated islands, enabling people to access services from anywhere they are located. This app not only benefits the individuals seeking services, but also provides a platform for service providers to offer their expertise and earn an income. Dheema emphasizes that in a nation with limited resources, the Fakir App plays a crucial role in addressing unemployment and fostering self-reliance. It holds particular significance for families in need as it connects them with care providers, promoting inclusivity within a community that has diverse needs and busy schedules. Furthermore, Dheema highlights the significance of technology for the younger generation who are born into a world driven by technological advancements. They heavily rely on technology, and when utilized effectively, it has the potential to propel our community forward in the years to come. The Fakir App serves as yet another stepping stone towards this future-oriented vision.
An advice for the younger generation:
Dheema concluded by asserting that experiencing failure should not be considered a setback, but rather a clear indication that one is on the path of personal and professional growth. She went on to emphasize that individuals who encounter failure repeatedly are the ones who undergo the most significant learning and transformation. Prior to reaching this pivotal phase in her own life, she acknowledged triumphing over countless challenges that could have impeded her progress. These challenges included enduring job terminations, facing bullying, harassment, and threats, coping with the loss of dear friends and loved ones, as well as battling sleepless nights, depression, and anxiety.
Dheema expressed that life is not flawless in the present moment, nor will it ever be. However, she also highlighted that this imperfection is what makes life truly captivating, as she firmly believes that a monotonous existence devoid of unexpected twists and turns would be quite dull. Furthermore, she recommended seeking inspiration in Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address as a means to gain valuable insights into overcoming failure and comprehending its profound influence on shaping one’s future.
Whats next for Fakir App:
According to Dheema, the app had been launched for sign ups by the start of this November and is due to be launched soon. She added that they are currently on the testing phase to ensure whether the app is ready for high demand.
Therefore to attain further services from the app, you may refer to the following links.
- If you are looking to get services from Fakir, visit and sign up here: https://fakirapp.com/#/
- If you are looking to take part time jobs from Fakir, register here: https://p.fakirapp.com/
- Our most recent updates are on the Viber Community: https://shorturl.at/ixW03
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