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Let’s Delve into the Invaluable Experience of Asiyath Mohamed in the Realm of Human Resources

Asiyath Mohamed boasts a wealth of experience as a Human Resources professional, embarking on her journey at Bank of Maldives PLC in 2008. In her present role as the Head of Employee Experience, she plays a pivotal role in fostering a purposeful, optimistic, and productive work environment for all staff members. This is achieved through the implementation of exceptional workplace standards and policies that prioritize the needs of employees. Asiyath’s expertise lies in effectively navigating the complex realm of employee relations, resolving intricate workplace issues, and cultivating a culture of positivity within the organization. She excels in implementing and upholding robust human resources policies and procedures, ensuring adherence to employment laws, and striving for a workplace that consistently upholds the highest standards.

When questioned about her perspective on fostering a positive work environment, she expressed the view that what constitutes an excellent workplace varies from person to person. Expanding on this, she emphasized that as humans, we possess a strong inclination to be listened to and have an innate capacity to establish connections. According to her beliefs, a notable indication of a positive work environment is when employees feel acknowledged and supported. It is crucial for employees to feel valued for their contributions in order to cultivate a positive work environment. In her opinion, this entails recognizing the individuals who collaborate with us, understanding their needs, and adapting workplace policies and practices accordingly, without compromising business operations. Furthermore, she advised that strategies should be tailored to cater to both the employees’ and the organization’s specific requirements.

We inquired Asiyath about her viewpoint regarding the significance of work-life balance and employee burnout in establishing a robust workforce. She responded by highlighting the crucial nature of flexibility in work arrangements and the prevention of employee burnout in the development of a resilient workforce. These factors profoundly impact the well-being and productivity of employees. Furthermore, she expounded on the notion that when one employee experiences burnout, the repercussions extend beyond the individual to potentially harm the entire team and organization. Asiyath firmly believes that allowing employees to recharge, spend quality time with loved ones, and pursue personal interests contributes to their overall well-being, which in turn positively influences their job performance. She emphasizes the increasing preference among employees for a more flexible approach to work, whether it be through work-life balance or work-life integration. Consequently, she asserts that these elements are critical for organizations not only to cultivate a resilient workforce but also to attract and retain talented individuals.

In conclusion, Asiyath imparted valuable guidance to the younger generation aspiring to enter the corporate realm in Maldives. She recommended focusing on continual learning and personal growth, emphasizing the dynamic and demanding nature of the corporate world. It is crucial, according to her, to build relationships, seek mentorship, and learn from experienced professionals. In our culture, she believes that mentorship is often undervalued, and individuals are hesitant to seek help or admit their need for assistance. However, she stressed the necessity of having a support system. Additionally, Asiyath advised understanding one’s own needs and being self-aware. She asserts that one’s attitude and work ethics are equally significant as their skills and qualifications. It is vital to chart your own career path and maintain unwavering commitment towards your goals. When you demonstrate commitment, you become trustworthy and consistent. Lastly, she recommended prioritizing personal well-being and establishing a healthy work-life balance. This approach, she explained, will help sustain your energy levels and enhance overall performance.

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