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Mahiya Mohamed Provides Insights into the Human Resources Landscape in the Maldives

Mahiya Mohamed is a remarkable individual in the realm of Human Resources in the Maldives, with an extensive experience of more than a decade in this field. She has attained a Master’s degree in managerial psychology and currently holds the position of the head of the learning and development department at the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC). Mahiya’s primary focus lies in empowering employees to unlock their utmost capabilities and cultivating a work environment that strongly emphasizes continuous learning.

We approached Mahiya to inquire about her perspective on the concept of continuous training culture, given her extensive expertise in the field of HR in the Maldives. In response, she expressed her strong belief in the value of fostering a continuous training culture. According to her, this practice is indispensable for any organization aspiring to thrive in today’s fiercely competitive business landscape. The constant acquisition of new knowledge and skills by employees is vital in order to adapt to the evolving demands of their roles and respective industries. She further emphasized that by cultivating a culture of continuous training, organizations can empower their employees to unlock their full potential and effectively contribute to the achievement of the company’s objectives.

When questioned further about whether she believes that sufficient attention is given to training and development in the Maldives, she expressed that while training and development (T&D) within the workplace in the Maldives is gradually improving, there is still room for enhancement. Additionally, she mentioned that the State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have acknowledged the significance of T&D and have taken measures to promote it, particularly by increasing the budget allocated to T&D in the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) compared to five years ago. Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of nurturing in-house trainers and local talents to cater to the training needs of the corporate workforce, which is also on the rise.

To summarize, Mahiya provided advice for the younger generation aspiring to enter the professional realm, encouraging them to maintain a positive outlook and stay motivated. She acknowledges that the corporate world can present challenges, but also offers great rewards. By putting in hard work and demonstrating dedication, one can accomplish anything they set their mind to. Additionally, Mahiya highlights the potential daunting nature of entering the corporate world or any work environment for young individuals. She places emphasis on the significance of networking with fellow professionals through attending events and connecting with people. This allows for the acquisition of knowledge and experience. Above all, Mahiya stresses the importance of continuous learning. Engaging in courses and workshops is crucial to stay updated within any workplace.

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