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Abdulla Shiyaz – A Teacher to Aspire for a Change in Education Sector

Abdulla Shiyaz is an exceptional role model for the younger generation aspiring to succeed in the field of education. Despite achieving a U grade in his school education, Shiyaz’s unwavering commitment to learning led him to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in arts and English as a foreign language, which marked the beginning of his extraordinary career. Shiyaz’s relentless hard work and dedication to serving his homeland, Thoddoo, yielded fruitful results. He accomplished the remarkable feat of guiding his students to achieve the first-ever A* grade in the English GCE exam. Within a span of three years, he further demonstrated his exceptional teaching skills and educational techniques by achieving a 100% pass rate in English and helping one of his student achieve number 1 worldwide from English GCE exam.

Having to have worked as relief teacher as well as the head of Thoddoo School for over 9 months, we interviewed Shiyaz to gain insight into his experience and the challenges he encountered while working with teachers. According to him, interacting with the teachers was a seamless process as Thoddoo school fostered a genuinely friendly and positive work environment. Nevertheless, he mentioned that a plethora of ideas emanated from the highly educated individuals comprising the teaching staff, which posed difficulties when it came to implementing all of these ideas.

We further inquired Shiyaz about his approach in managing the teachers under his supervision. Shiyaz shared that the most effective way to handle staff is to actively listen to their concerns and comprehend their desires. Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of empathizing with their perspectives by stepping into their shoes at time to fully understand the two sides of the coin. Shiyaz underscored the significance of commencing from the bottom level, particularly when considering human resources. He stated that starting from the bottom allows for a stronger connection with the lower-ranked employees, as you have shared their experiences firsthand. He considers this as one of the primary elements that contribute to being a successful leader.

Regarding his nine-month tenure as the head of Thoddoo School, he expressed that managing a team of 70 employees posed significant challenges in meeting their individual needs. He emphasized the utmost importance of comprehending and addressing their requirements and desires. Moreover, he affirmed that prioritizing their well-being and fostering a conducive work environment stands as the primary responsibility of a leader. He firmly believes that establishing a strong rapport and effectively supporting them during their difficult times are key aspects. The manner in which they are treated and the value attributed to their contributions within the school are ultimately what truly matter.

In conclusion, Shiyaz offered valuable guidance to the younger generation aspiring to pursue a career in education, emphasizing the importance of patience. He highlighted that this particular industry is prone to encountering intense criticism and complaints from the public, to the extent that one might consider quitting. Nonetheless, he assured that exceptional teaching skills can garner immense adoration and admiration. He further asserted that despite the challenges faced, the ability to nurture a successful group of students with outstanding achievements would undoubtedly be a priceless and cherished reward.

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