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A Glimpse into the Career of Hassan Shifaz

Hassan Shifaz, an individual with an extensive background of 16 years in the tourism sector, stands as a trailblazer in the field of Human Resources within the Maldives. Presently serving as the Assistant Department Head and Assistant Human Resources Manager at the awe-inspiring Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives, Shifaz has embarked on an incredibly inspiring professional journey.
Hassan Shifaz embarked on his professional journey as a member of a housing crew, gradually ascending to more senior positions. Eventually, he found employment as a welfare assistant at Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, where he dedicated his services for a period of three year. In 2010, he joined the esteemed Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives as a Welfare Coordinator and has been diligently working there ever since.
Shifaz’s involvement in the tourism industry commenced right after completing O’Level. While actively contributing to the resort, he managed to continue his studies, displaying his determination and commitment to his chosen field. Consequently, he pursued higher education and successfully obtained a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of Suffolk.
In a conversation with Shifaz, we inquired about how he and his human resources team at Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives ensure the efficient functioning of their HR department. He emphasized that their topmost priority in managing human resources is to ensure the well-being of their staff members. To achieve this, they have implemented various strategies. One of these strategies involves conducting annual surveys to gauge employee satisfaction and evaluate the working environment within the resort. Additionally, Shifaz highlighted the importance they place on their employees by mentioning that they regularly monitor and tries to bring the changes the staff menu to cater to their individual preferences, allowing them to enjoy meals of their choice after a demanding day at work. Furthermore, to combat monotony and enhance employee engagement, the resort organizes enjoyable staff activities on a monthly basis. Lastly, Shifaz emphasized the resort’s commitment to being accessible and receptive to the concerns of their staff members, which fosters motivation and helps them feel valued as integral members of the resort team.

Moreover, Shifaz highlighted the significance of valuing the efforts of fellow colleagues and the essential role of guiding them towards accomplishing their objectives. Additionally, he emphasized that as a member of the human resource department, it is crucial to be accessible and facilitate effective communication with employees at all levels.
In conclusion, Shifaz offered valuable advice to the younger generation, urging them to prioritize their studies before venturing into the field. He highlighted that as the industry attracts highly educated individuals, the job market within tourism would become increasingly competitive in the future. Shifaz further acknowledged the immense challenge of balancing work and studies in a resort setting. Additionally, he underscored the significance of starting from the ground up rather than pursuing high-level positions immediately. As in this industry we always welcomes to the fresh beginners to get in to the industry and build their carrier path in the industry. According to him, gaining experience at lower levels enables a better understanding of the perspectives and emotions of the staff, ultimately nurturing superior management skills.

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