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Hawwa Fakhriyya: A Valuable Insight on Effectively Managing and Coping with Work-related Stress.

Hawwa Fakhriyya, a young woman of 23, is making waves in the tourism industry, serving as an extraordinary source of inspiration for women aspiring to thrive in this field. Her role as a Human Resource Coordinator at the exquisite Mirihi Island Resort, nestled in the heart of the Maldives, showcases her exceptional talents and dedication.

Hawwa Fakhriyya, also known as Fahu, reflected upon the stress she encounters in the workplace and how she effectively manages it. Given that her job involves interacting with people, it can sometimes be emotionally overwhelming. She suggests that the most effective solution lies in analyzing and developing one’s own personal strategy to cope with such stress. As an example, she mentioned that she relies on exercise as a means of managing stress. Additionally, due to the nature of her industry, she cannot freely share her feelings with just anyone. Instead, she confides in a colleague from the same department or journals her thoughts. She firmly believes that unless she takes care of her own well-being, she will be unable to effectively handle the needs of others.

According to Fahu, when we encounter high levels of stress and anxiety in our professional environment, we often attempt to avoid facing reality. However, she maintained that this approach is futile and will not lead to any solutions. Instead, she emphasized the importance of confronting these challenges head-on and making an effort to manage them effectively. She firmly believed that by doing so, we can gradually discover solutions to the issues at hand.

In wrapping up our discussion, Fahu highlighted the obstacles that women encounter in the industry, given her own personal experiences as a woman. She revealed that when she initially entered the field, she faced numerous challenges and grappled with anxiety. Nevertheless, thanks to her unwavering commitment and the supportive work environment provided by Mirihi Island Resort, she successfully conquered these difficulties. Fahu proposed the implementation of additional training and awareness initiatives specifically tailored for women, in order to inspire their participation in the industry. Furthermore, she affirmed that abundant opportunities await women in this field.

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